Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A No Photo Day

Around January 1, I was tempted to add the 365 Photo Project to my list of things to do this year, which is where you take at least one photo every day for the whole year. Then I decided I didn't need to put any more pressure on myself to have to add one more thing to my list of things I would like to accomplish in 2008. I realized I made a good decision the other day, when Nicole and Bryce came over for the day. They had been sick and were still getting over the sniffles, so I hadn't seen them for over a week. Normally I have my camera on stand by when they are here so I can grab it quickly if needed, but that day I didn't even get it out. Nicole wanted me to rock her in the rocking chair, and before long Bryce climbed onto my lap too, so we all snuggled with their blankies in the chair and rocked and talked for a while. I just focused on enjoying the day with them, and after Nicole went to school, Bryce and I played "store" and read some story books together. I have truly learned to live in the moment, and sometimes that means not thinking about grabbing the camera!