Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Kelly!

I don't have a picture to post of Kelly on her birthday because I was gone for the weekend on my annual "girl's only" up north trip. She is a little fussy about photos of herself, but one of these days we are going to have a photo shoot with her and her girls! She found out in July that she can stay off her meds that she was taking for a year, and will find out in 4 months if she is done taking them for good! Anyway, sorry I missed your birthday, Kelly, we'll do lunch, I'll have my people call your people! Seriously, though, it is nice to have her and her daughters in our family. It's another of those meant to be things, because when I was younger and having babies of my own, (long, long, long ago!) the name I picked out if I ever had a girl was "Kelly".