Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Heartfelt Christmas

Mitch and Christy Mitch's last Christmas at home

Everybody needs socks!

My new pink fuzzy slippers from Mitch!

Mitch has been talking about moving out in 2008, so I told him it was a law that the last child at home has to give the mother 6 months notice to prepare, so he has been preparing me for the last few months! So, this was his last Christmas morning to be at home with us, and he truly made it special. We love you, Mitch!
This Christmas season has been very heartfelt, with lots of "I love you" being spoken, and lots of hugs, the kind with an extra squeeze, where words are not necessary. The sound of laughter from children, and sharing their excitement about Santa coming. Getting together with both sides of the family, and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas in person. And eating way too many Christmas cookies and fudge!